Digital Shelf Analytics

In today's business environment, for brand and market development, it is essential to understand the dynamics of the online market. What are successful online categories and form factors? What is my brand's share in the online market place? Are we right-pricing our products in a our market? As Icecat measures end-user buyer orientation, catalog popularity, daily imports and thousands of price & stock lists from connected resellers and distributors, we provide marketeers with a plethora of market information.

Icecat can provide market intelligence that helps to better understand the trends of the online channel as well as the following high quality and value adding information:
  • Buyer orientation reports & marketing trends
  • Channel pricing reports
  • Stock & sales-out reports

Buyer Orientation Reports & Marketing Trends

Icecat measures end-user buyer orientation and catalog popularity of tens of thousands of connected ecommerce sites. This is measured by datasheet downloads. Data-sheet download: every time an end-user views a product datasheet in a real-time connected webshop or a data-sheet is imported in a channel partner's online catalog. Icecat already enables more than one billion data-sheet downloads annually. These downloads are the basis of our buyer-orientation and popularity reports, which we share with participating manufacturers. Icecat provides the reports in different formats: graphical, Excel, CSV, email, etc.

Icecat has 3 variants of download reports:
  1. Standard reports, include downloads per brand, category and/or product (own brand)
  2. Competitor reports, showing popularity on brand, category and product level (includes competitor brands)
  3. Channel partner reports, include your brand downloads on partner level.

Channel Pricing & Availability Reports

Daily, Icecat imports thousands of price & stock lists from connected resellers and distributors worldwide. Based on this channel price and availability information, Icecat creates tailor-made reports for manufacturers. These reports provide manufacturers with insight into street pricing, stock evolution, channel inventory risks, etc.. Per country these reports contain information covering the highest/average/lowest street price, highest/average/lowest stock position and stock evolution estimates and much more.

Distributor Stock and Sales Out Reports

For several countries Icecat can create daily stock and/or sales-out reports, in co-operation with your brand's distributors. Distributor stock report: shows the daily stock positions per product for your distributors. Sales-out report: weekly/monthly consolidated overview of the sales-out per product for a panel of webshops.
  • Online market trends
    End-user buyer-orientation & catalog popularity reports
  • Gebaseerd op miljarden channel partner downloads
    Representative statistics based on downloads by tens of thousands of connected online channel partners
  • Easy to use formats
    Reports will be provided in most common formats such as CSV, Excel, graphical
  • Competitor information
    All reports can include competitor information
  • Customized reports
    Reports can be created based on the specific wishes of a manufacturer
  • Shows your online brand visibility
  • See direct the effect of your online campaigns
  • Direct insight in online buyer-orientation & market trends
  • Receive valuable competitor information
  • Indispensable management information
  • Data can be integrated in management reporting tools
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